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Top Questions

How should I prepare for my first session?

It is recommended a day or 2 prior to your first treatment, drink plenty of water and take time during the day(s) to practice gratitude.  Wear loose fitting/comfortable clothing to your appointment.  Come with an open mind.

What can I expect to feel/experience during my first (or any) session?

While it can be completely normal to see/feel nothing, it is common for clients to possibly feel a vibration, hum, a tingling sensation, warmth, or coolness from the practitioner's hands. It is also not unusual to see colors, images of loved ones, or objects significant in their lives.  It is also possible one may cry or lightly sweat-these are considered chemical releases during a session.  A client may feel an Energetic shift in their abdomen-may feel like gas or tummy rumble as the sluggish energy starts to flow. Some clients have had a mild case of the "jitters" at the end of the session-it is a physical Energetic release.

What can I expect to feel/experience after a session?

It is recommended after every session to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins-due to the possible detoxification process, one may experience mild flu or cold like symptoms especially after the first and/or second session, but should dissipate after 24 hrs.  Some clients experience deep relaxation in the hours following a session-well into the night and sleep very well.  Others hop off the table with a renewed sense of clarity and focus, ready to be productive.

Are your services covered by insurance?

Currently, this type of Energy Medicine is not covered by insurance-HOWEVER:  Most can use their Flex Spend accounts or their Health Savings Accounts to help cover the cost.  This involves you being reimbursed by the FSA/HSA after you have paid for your sessions, receive a receipt that includes a detailed description of services rendered and price, and the client turning it into their FSA/HSA provider.  It is the client's responsibility to submit.

How many sessions do I need?

It is recommended with any type of Energy modality (acupuncture, massage, etc.) one should expect to commit to 4-6 sessions to get the maximum benefit of Energy balancing and Touch Therapy, not going more than 14 days between these sessions. While it's common to immediately feel euphoric and relaxed after the first session, the goal is to experience the long-term benefits of this modality. (Decrease in chronic pain, emotional/Spiritual blocks, increased clarity & focus, decrease in stress/anxiety/depression, etc.)  After the first 4-6 sessions, then return visits are at the client's discretion.

Are there any contraindications for this type of modality?

There are no contraindications for Energy Medicine.  Everyone regardless of health conditions can benefit from Energy Healing.  There are some special considerations:  Pregnant women will not have acupressure on certain points of the feet and ankles.  Clients with pacemakers will not have Energy therapy directly over the heart chakra.  All Energy therapy is administered only when the client gives permission to work with them in their Energetic space.

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